All Implemented Interfaces:
eu.sealsproject.platform.res.domain.omt.IOntologyMatchingToolBridge, eu.sealsproject.platform.res.tool.api.IPlugin, eu.sealsproject.platform.res.tool.api.IToolBridge

public class MatcherSeals extends MatcherFile
This matcher wraps the SEALS client such that a SEALS zip file or folder can be executed. If multiple matcher should be instantiated, have a look at MatcherSealsBuilder buildFromFolder.
  • Field Details


      private static final String SEALS_DOWNLOAD_URL_VERSION
      See Also:

      private static final String SEALS_DOWNLOAD_URL
      See Also:
    • LOGGER

      private static final org.slf4j.Logger LOGGER
    • matcherFolder

      private File matcherFolder
      The folder which represents one matcher.
    • sealsClientJar

      private File sealsClientJar
      Path to the JAR of the SEALS client.
    • tmpFolder

      private File tmpFolder
      Path to a temporary folder. Default is set to the systems tmp. In this folder creates folders will be created and can be removed after execution.
    • timeout

      private long timeout
      Time out for the external seals process. The timeout is applied for each testcase and not track.
    • timeoutTimeUnit

      private TimeUnit timeoutTimeUnit
      Time unit for the process time out.
    • javaRuntimeParameters

      private List<String> javaRuntimeParameters
      The parameters that appear between java [parameters] -jar. Example: ("-Xmx25g", "-Xms15g").
    • freshMatcherInstance

      private boolean freshMatcherInstance
      If true, the original matcher folder is untouched and the folder is copied. Some matchers require this, because the do not close some resources.
    • doNotUseInputAlignment

      private boolean doNotUseInputAlignment
      If true, the input alignment is not passed to SEALS even if one is provided.
    • javaCommand

      private String javaCommand
      The command to start java in the terminal. Typically, this is "java" Seals needs java version 1.8
    • matcherNamePattern

      private static final Pattern matcherNamePattern
      Regex pattern to get the matcher name from the SEALS descriptor.xml file.
  • Constructor Details

    • MatcherSeals

      public MatcherSeals(File matcherFileOrFolder, File sealsClientJar, File tmpFolder, long timeout, TimeUnit timeoutTimeUnit, List<String> javaRuntimeParameters, boolean freshMatcherInstance, boolean doNotUseInputAlignment, String javaCommand)
      Constructor with all parameters. IMPORTANT: the sealsHome folder will be deleted (do not use any folder which contains content). USE IT WITH CARE. The Seals client will be downloaded on demand, if necessary.
      matcherFileOrFolder - The file (zip file) or folder which represents one matcher.
      sealsClientJar - The path to the local SEALS client JAR file.
      tmpFolder - folder to store the matcher temporary.
      timeout - Timeout for one testcase as long.
      timeoutTimeUnit - The unit of the timeout.
      javaRuntimeParameters - Runtime parameters such as ("-Xmx25g", "-Xms15g").
      freshMatcherInstance - If true, the original matcher folder is untouched and the folder is copied
      doNotUseInputAlignment - If true, the input alignment is not passed to SEALS even if one is provided.
      javaCommand - the java 1.8 command on the system. usually it is just java
    • MatcherSeals

      public MatcherSeals(File matcherFileOrFolder, File sealsClientJar, long timeout, TimeUnit timeoutTimeUnit, List<String> javaRuntimeParameters, boolean freshMatcherInstance, boolean doNotUseInputAlignment, String javaCommand)
    • MatcherSeals

      public MatcherSeals(File matcherFileOrFolder, File sealsClientJar)
      Constructor with reasonable defaults like 12 hours timeout, no runtime parameter, java as the java command and no new matcher instance every time.
      matcherFileOrFolder - The file (zip file) or folder which represents one matcher.
      sealsClientJar - the seals client jar
    • MatcherSeals

      public MatcherSeals(File matcherFileOrFolder)
      The SEALS client will be search in the systems tmp directory with the name seals-omt-client-v7.0.5.jar.
      matcherFileOrFolder - The file (zip file) or folder which represents one matcher.
    • MatcherSeals

      public MatcherSeals(String matcherFileOrFolderPath)
      The SEALS client will be search in the systems tmp directory with the name seals-omt-client-v7.0.5.jar.
      matcherFileOrFolderPath - The file (zip file) or folder which represents one matcher.
  • Method Details

    • getSealsDownloadUrlVersion

      public static String getSealsDownloadUrlVersion()
    • getSealsFileName

      public static String getSealsFileName()
    • downloadSealsIfNecessary

      private static void downloadSealsIfNecessary(File sealsClientJar)
    • prepareMatcherFolder

      private static File prepareMatcherFolder(File tmpDirectory, File matcherFileOrFolder)
    • isJava8

      private boolean isJava8()
    • match

      public void match(URL source, URL target, URL inputAlignment, File alignmentResult) throws Exception
      Specified by:
      match in class MatcherFile
    • getFirstSubDirectoryRunnableInSeals

      public static File getFirstSubDirectoryRunnableInSeals(File rootDir)
      This method visits all folders below the starting directory and returns the first directory which is runnable in seals. The traversing strategy is breadth first search.
      rootDir - Path to the starting directory.
      The first directory which is runnable in seals or null if such a folder does not exist
    • copyDirectory

      private static void copyDirectory(File targetDirectory, File sourceDirectory)
    • unzipToDirectory

      private static void unzipToDirectory(File targetDirectory, File sourceFile, boolean deleteOnExit)
    • isDirectoryRunnableInSeals

      public static boolean isDirectoryRunnableInSeals(File directory)
      Determines whether the specified directory is runnable in seals.
      directory - Path to the directory.
      True if runnable, else false.
    • getName

      public String getName()
    • getMatcherFolder

      public File getMatcherFolder()
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • getMatcherNameFromSealsDescriptor

      public static String getMatcherNameFromSealsDescriptor(File file)
      Returns the matcher name in the seals descriptor.
      file - File instance which points to a descriptor file or a matcher directory.
      name of the matcher or MatcherSeals-randomNumber if not available.
    • getDefaultMatcherName

      private static String getDefaultMatcherName()
    • getSealsClientJar

      public File getSealsClientJar()
    • setSealsClientJar

      public void setSealsClientJar(File sealsClientJar)
    • getJavaCommand

      public String getJavaCommand()
    • setJavaCommand

      public void setJavaCommand(String javaCommand)
    • getTimeoutAsText

      public String getTimeoutAsText()