Package de.uni_mannheim.informatik.dws.melt.matching_base.multisource
package de.uni_mannheim.informatik.dws.melt.matching_base.multisource
ClassDescriptionExtracts from an URI the corresponding source / dataset identifier (which needs to be included in the URI like a specific domain etc).Extracts the dataset id given a URL pattern which is currently a prefix and infix.Extracts the dataset id given a map of URL prefixes and corresponding dataset ID.Small utilities for dataset id extraction.IMatcherMultiSource<ModelClass,
AlignmentClass, ParameterClass> Generic matcher interface for matching multiple ontologies / knowledge graphs.Generic matcher interface for matching multiple ontologies / knowledge graphs which calls other matchers itself.Multi source matcher which expects URLs as parameters.An interface which indicates that this multisource matcher delegates the task of matching multiple ontologies/knowledge graphs to a one to one matcher.Executes all multi source matchers one after the other.