Class TrackRepository.Largebio.V2016

Enclosing class:

public static class TrackRepository.Largebio.V2016 extends Object
2016 version of Large Biomedical Ontologies - these are also used for 2017 and 2018.
  • Field Details

    • ALL

      public static Track ALL
      With the this benchmark all 6 largebio matching tasks are executed. For individual matching tasks refer to other benchmarks.

      public static Track FMA_NCI_SMALL
      Task 1: FMA-NCI small fragments: This task consists of matching two (relatively) small fragments of FMA and NCI. The FMA fragment contains 3,696 classes (5% of FMA), while the NCI fragment contains 6,488 classes (10% of NCI). Together 10,184 classes

      public static Track FMA_NCI_WHOLE
      Task 2: FMA-NCI whole ontologies. This task consists of matching the whole FMA and NCI ontologies, which contains 78,989 and 66,724 classes, respectively. Together 145,713 classes

      public static Track FMA_SNOMED_SMALL
      Task 3: FMA-SNOMED small fragments. This task consists of matching two (relatively) small fragments of FMA and SNOMED. The FMA fragment contains 10,157 classes (13% of FMA), while the SNOMED fragment contains 13,412 classes (5% of SNOMED). Together 23,569 classes

      public static Track FMA_SNOMED_WHOLE
      Task 4: FMA whole ontology. This task consists of matching the whole FMA that contains 78,989 classes with a large SNOMED fragment that contains 122,464 classes (40% of SNOMED). Together 201,453 classes.

      public static Track SNOMED_NCI_SMALL
      Task 5: SNOMED-NCI small fragments. This task consists of matching two (relatively) small fragments of SNOMED and NCI. The SNOMED fragment contains 51,128 classes (17% of SNOMED), while the NCI fragment contains 23,958 classes (36% of NCI). Together 75,086 classes.

      public static Track SNOMED_NCI_WHOLE
      Task 6: NCI whole ontology with SNOMED large fragment. This task consists of matching the whole NCI that contains 66,724 classes with a large SNOMED fragment that contains 122,464 classes (40% of SNOMED). Together 189,188 classes.

      public static Track ONLY_SMALL
      Non official: Covers all SMALL test cases. This should not be used for multi source matchign because the source and target are subsets and the ontologies are not the same. This includes FMA_NCI, FMA_SNOMED, and SNOMED_NCI

      public static Track ONLY_WHOLE
      Non official: Covers all WHOLE test cases. This includes FMA_NCI, FMA_SNOMED, and SNOMED_NCI
  • Constructor Details

    • V2016

      public V2016()