All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
BabelNetKnowledgeSource, DBpediaKnowledgeSource, GensimEmbeddingModel, SemanticWordRelationDictionary, WebIsAlodClassicKnowledgeSource, WebIsAlodXLKnowledgeSource, WikidataKnowledgeSource, WiktionaryKnowledgeSource, WordNetKnowledgeSource

public interface SynonymCapability
Interface for external resources that are capable to determine whether two concepts are synonymous given that the concepts are already linked.
  • Method Details

    • getSynonymsLexical

      Set<String> getSynonymsLexical(String linkedConcept)
      Get the synonyms.
      linkedConcept - Linked concept.
      A set of synonym words/labels (not links or URIs!).
    • isSynonymous

      boolean isSynonymous(String linkedConcept1, String linkedConcept2)
      Given two links, determine whether those are synonymous. Some sources have multiple notions of synonymy, if this is the case, this method refers to the looser interpretation.
      linkedConcept1 - Linked concept 1.
      linkedConcept2 - Linked concept 2.
      True if synonymous, else false.
    • isStrongFormSynonymous

      boolean isStrongFormSynonymous(String linkedConcept1, String linkedConcept2)
      Given two links, determine whether those are synonymous. Some sources have multiple notions of synonymy, if this is the case, this method refers to the stricter interpretation.
      linkedConcept1 - Linked concept 1.
      linkedConcept2 - Linked concept 2.
      True if synonymous, else false.