All Implemented Interfaces:
IMatcher<org.apache.jena.ontology.OntModel,Alignment,Properties>, eu.sealsproject.platform.res.domain.omt.IOntologyMatchingToolBridge, eu.sealsproject.platform.res.tool.api.IPlugin, eu.sealsproject.platform.res.tool.api.IToolBridge

public class BoundedPathMatching extends MatcherYAAAJena
Structure based matcher which allows to find matches in hierarchies which are between two already matched entities. Example:
     SourceSuperClass  ---already matched with c=0.8---  TargetSuperClass
      ^                                                         ^
      |                                                         |
    rdfs:subClassOf                                         rdfs:subClassOf
      |                                                         |
  SourceIntermediateClass  --new with c=(0.8+0.9)/2=0.85-- TargetIntermediateClass 
      ^                                                         ^
      |                                                         |
    rdfs:subClassOf                                         rdfs:subClassOf
      |                                                         |
     SourceSubclass  ----already matched with c=0.9---    TargetSubclass
Per default it only matches the class hierarchy but it can be customized for further hierarchies like properties via the configurations object within this class.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • match

      public Alignment match(org.apache.jena.ontology.OntModel source, org.apache.jena.ontology.OntModel target, Alignment inputAlignment, Properties properties) throws Exception
      Description copied from class: MatcherYAAAJena
      Aligns two ontologies specified via a Jena OntModel, with an input alignment as Alignment object, and returns the mapping of the resulting alignment. Note: This method might be called multiple times in a row when using the evaluation framework. Make sure to return a mapping which is specific to the given inputs.
      Specified by:
      match in interface IMatcher<org.apache.jena.ontology.OntModel,Alignment,Properties>
      Specified by:
      match in class MatcherYAAAJena
      source - This OntModel represents the source ontology.
      target - This OntModel represents the target ontology.
      inputAlignment - This mapping represents the input alignment.
      properties - Additional properties.
      The resulting alignment of the matching process.
      Exception - Any exception which occurs during matching.
    • runDfs

      private List<List<org.apache.jena.rdf.model.Resource>> runDfs(org.apache.jena.ontology.OntResource start, Set<String> targetNodes, BoundedPathMatchingConfiguration config)
    • dfs

      private void dfs(List<org.apache.jena.rdf.model.Resource> currentPath, Set<String> targetNodes, Set<org.apache.jena.rdf.model.Resource> visited, List<List<org.apache.jena.rdf.model.Resource>> results, BoundedPathMatchingConfiguration config)
    • getConfigurations

      public List<BoundedPathMatchingConfiguration> getConfigurations()
    • setConfigurations

      public void setConfigurations(List<BoundedPathMatchingConfiguration> configurations)
    • addConfiguration

      public void addConfiguration(BoundedPathMatchingConfiguration configuration)
    • addConfigurationClassHierarchy

      public void addConfigurationClassHierarchy()
    • addConfigurationPropertyHierarchy

      public void addConfigurationPropertyHierarchy()