Complete List of Multi Source Matchers

MatcherMultiSourceURL Javadoc / Source Code

Multi source matcher which expects URLs as parameters. Better do not use this class but implement the interface IMatcherMultiSource. Subclasses of this class also try to implement this interface.

Keywords: Matcher Multi SourceURL

IMatcherMultiSource Javadoc / Source Code

Generic matcher interface for matching multiple ontologies / knowledge graphs. It gets multiple ontologies / knowledge graphs, an input alignment and additional parameters.

Keywords: I Matcher Multi Source

MultiSourcePipelineSequential Javadoc / Source Code

Executes all multi source matchers one after the other.

Keywords: Multi Source Pipeline Sequential

IMatcherMultiSourceCaller Javadoc / Source Code

Generic matcher interface for matching multiple ontologies / knowledge graphs which calls other matchers itself. It gets multiple ontologies / knowledge graphs, an input alignment and additional parameters.

Keywords: I Matcher Multi Source Caller

MatcherMultiSourceYAAAJena Javadoc / Source Code

Keywords: Matcher Multi SourceYAAA Jena

FilterByErrorDegree Javadoc / Source Code

This filter of correspondences is based on the community structure of the correspondences. E.g. if many entities are fully connected, then this indicates that all of those correspondences are correct. But if tehre are some weakly connected entites, then this might indicate wrong correspondences.

Keywords: Filter By Error Degree

FamerClustering Javadoc / Source Code

A filter for multi source matching. It filters the input alignment by analyzing the structure of the correspondences. E.g. if many entities are fully connected, then this indicates that all of those correspondences are correct. More information on all possible algorithmn which should be chosen in the constructor can be found at Scalable Matching and Clustering of Entities with FAMER . The source code can be found at gitlab.

Keywords: Famer Clustering

MultiSourceDispatcherIncrementalMergeByOrder Javadoc / Source Code

Matches multiple ontologies / knowledge graphs with an incremental merge approach. This means that two ontologies are merged together and then possibly the union is merged with another ontology and so on. The order how they are merged is defined by subclasses.

Keywords: Multi Source Dispatcher Incremental Merge By Order

MultiSourceDispatcherTransitivePairsTextBased Javadoc / Source Code

This dispatcher will compare the texts in a model and match the ones which are textually the clostest such that a connection between all ontologies exists. Therefore exactly (number of models)-1 matching operations and no merges are executed.

Keywords: Multi Source Dispatcher Transitive Pairs Text Based

MultiSourceDispatcherIncrementalMerge Javadoc / Source Code

Matches multiple ontologies / knowledge graphs with an incremental merge approach. This means that two ontologies are merged together and then possibly the union is merged with another ontology and so on. The order how they are merged is defined by subclasses.

Keywords: Multi Source Dispatcher Incremental Merge

MultiSourceDispatcherTransitivePairsOrderBased Javadoc / Source Code

This dispatcher will match multiple ontologies by selecting a few pairs. First the ontologies will be sorted by a given comparator. As an example A, B, C, D. Afterwards two possible matching strategies are possible:

  • firstVsRest (constructor parameter) is true: it will match (A,B) ; (A,C) ; (A,D)
  • firstVsRest (constructor parameter) is false: it will match (A,B) ; (B,C) ; (C,D)

Some comparators can be found at MultiSourceDispatcherIncrementalMergeByOrder as static attributes.

Keywords: Multi Source Dispatcher Transitive Pairs Order Based

MultiSourceDispatcherIncrementalMergeByCluster Javadoc / Source Code

Matches multiple ontologies / knowledge graphs with an incremental merge approach. This means that two ontologies are merged together and then possibly the union is merged with another ontology and so on. The order how they are merged is defined by subclasses.

Keywords: Multi Source Dispatcher Incremental Merge By Cluster

MultiSourceDispatcherIncrementalMergeByClusterText Javadoc / Source Code

Matches multiple ontologies / knowledge graphs with an incremental merge approach. This means that two ontologies are merged together and then possibly the union is merged with another ontology and so on. The order how they are merged is defined by subclasses.

Keywords: Multi Source Dispatcher Incremental Merge By Cluster Text

MultiSourceDispatcherUnionToUnion Javadoc / Source Code

Keywords: Multi Source Dispatcher Union To Union

MultiSourceDispatcherAllPairs Javadoc / Source Code

Keywords: Multi Source Dispatcher All Pairs

automatically generated on 2024-03-08 20:57