click on the upper right user icon and choose settings
create a Personal Access Token (click on Access Tokens give it a name and choose only the api scope)
use this access token and your username and password to create the settings file (see the pom.xml)
adjust pom.xml to your needs
definitely change the following:
groupId and artifactId (only artifactId is used to identify the matcher -> make it unique)
oaei.mainClass: set it to the fully qualified path to the matcher (the class implementing IOntologyMatchingToolBridge or any subclass like MatcherURL or MatcherYAAAJena)
benchmarks: change the benchmarks to the ones your system can deal with
execute maven goals from command line or from any IDE
mvn install will create the hobbit docker image locally
On MacOS, you have to run export DOCKER_HOST=unix:///var/run/docker.sock (see issue of docker-maven-plugin) in order to allow maven to communicate with docker.
mvn deploy will deploy docker image to hobbit server.
Evaluate Your Matcher in HOBBIT
you can start an experiment in hobbit online platform