Overview: Available Evaluators

  • EvaluatorCSV: Default evaluator for an in-depth analysis of alignments. Multiple CSV files are generated that can be analyzed using a spreadsheet program such as LibreOffice Calc.
  • EvaluatorBasic: A basic evaluator that is easy on memory. Use this evaluator when you run into memory issues with EvaluatorCSV on very large evaluation problems. Note that this evaluator offers less functionality than the default evaluator.
  • EvaluatorMcNemarSignificance: An evaluator for statistical significance tests. This evaluator allows for checking whether multiple alignments are significantly different.
  • DashboardBuilder: This evaluator generates an interactive Web UI (MELT Dashboard) to analyze alignments in a self-service BI fashion. You can find an exemplary dashboard for the OAEI 2019 Anatomy and Conference track here.

Note that it is possible to build your own evaluator and call functions from the existing evaluators.


EvaluatorCSV is the default evaluator. Like all evaluators, it is called using the void writeResultsToDirectory(File baseDirectory) method. The evaluator will create the specified baseDirectory and generate files according to a spcific hierarchy:

  --- alignmentCube.csv
  --- testCasePerformanceCube.csv
  --- trackPerformanceCube.csv
  --- <track_directory>/
       --- aggregated/
       |   |
       |   --- <matcher_directory>/
       |       |
       |       --- aggregatedPerformance.csv
       --- <test_case_directory>/
           --- <matcher_directory>/
               --- performance.csv
               --- systemAlignment.rdf

alignmentCube.csv The alignment cube contains every single correspondence of all matching systems on all tracks together with additional information e.g. whether the correspondence is a true positive or a false positive match. We recommend opening all generated CSV files in LibreOffice Calc, and using the AutoFilter. This way, you can slice the data according to your desire, e.g. showing only false positive class-class matches of a specific matcher on a specific test case.

testCasePerformanceCube.csv This file contains all the aggregated performance figures (precision, recall, F1, residual recall) per test case. When using the AutoFilter, you can slide the data according to your desire, e.g. showing the precision, recall, and F1 of property matches of a specific matcher on a specific test case.

trackPerformanceCube.csv This file contains all the aggregated performance figures ([micro and macro] precision, recall, F1, residual recall) per track. When using the AutoFilter, you can slide the data according to your desire, e.g. showing the micro precision, micro recall, and micro F1 of instance matches of all matchers on a specific track.

<track_directory>/ For each track in the ExecutionResultSet, the evaluator will create such a directory carrying the name of the track. In the track directory, you will find a directory fore each test case of the track (<test_case_directory>/). In here, each matcher in the ExecutionResultSet that was run on this track will have a <matcher_directory>/. A <matcher_directory>/ contains the performance of the system on the particular test case (performance.csv) as well as the actual system alignment (systemAlignment.rdf). You will also find an aggregated/<matcher_directory>/aggregatedPerformance.csv in the <track_directory>/ containing the (aggregated micro/macro) performance of the particular matcher on the track.


EvaluatorMcNemarSignificance is an implementation of Mohammadi, Majid; Atashin, Amir Ahooye; Hofman, Wout; Tan, Yaohua. Comparison of Ontology Alignment Systems Across Single Matching Task Via the McNemar’s Test. 2018. in MELT (read the paper).

The evaluator generates various CSV files for different significance methods (implemented are: asymptotic test, asymptotic test with continuity correction; each with and without fallback to the exact method) on different aggregation levels (from detailed to aggregated):

  • Test_Case_<method>.csv contains the individual p values per test case. No aggregation is performed.
  • Aggregated_Testcases_<method>.csv contains the number of (not) significantly different alignments (/test cases).
  • Track_<method>.csv contains the counts of the number of (not) significantly different alignments (/test cases) per track. If more than 50% of the test cases within a track are significantly different, the track counts as significantly different.
  • Aggregated_Tracks_<method>.csv contains the number of tracks on which systems are significantly different. If more than 50% of the test cases within a track are significantly different, the track counts as significantly different.